opere di Spinoza

Biblioteca di Spinoza
libri posseduti dal filosofo

testi su Spinoza, polemica antispinozista, storia dello spinozismo

lemmi di opere enciclopediche e lessici specifici

elenco degli autori presenti nell'archivio

autori/Lombroso, Jacob

Biografia Lombroso, Jacob

Jacob Lombroso: «Italian rabbi and physician, of Spanish origin; lived at the beginning of the seventeenth century in Venice, where he published a notable Bible having an exhaustive introduction and explanations together with Spanish translations of the more difficult passages. By some he is considered to be the author of the ‘Propugnaculum Judaismi,’ written in defense of Judaism against the attacks in the fifth book of Grotius’ ‘De Veritate Religionis Christianae.’ Mortara, however (‘Indice,’ p. 35), observes that Lombroso himself ascribes this work to Isaac Orobio» (da Isidore Singer – Eude Lolli – Solomon Schechter – M. Franco – Gotthard Deutsch, voce Lombroso [Lumbroso] della Jewish Encyclopedia, http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=530&letter=L&search=jacob%20lombroso).

Opere dell'autore presenti nell'archivio

Biblia Hebraica